Help and support
It might happen that you will need some help in the Netherlands, for instance in case of a conflict with your employer, problems with your accommodation, etc. Find out which organisations can help you and on what terms.
1. To which institution can I refer to in case of problems with my employer?
- If you want to report a complaint about a possible violation of labour laws whilst working in the Netherlands you can file a complaint to the Netherlands Labour Authority. This organisation checks whether your employer complies with the labour laws, such as regulations regarding your minimum wages, working hours and working conditions. Link to the complaint is available here. You can make a complaint also in Polish.
- If your employer does not comply with a collective labour agreement that applies specifically to your sector or company (CAO), you can also make a complaint to the Netherlands Labour Authority.
- Are you earning less than the wage agreed in your collective labour agreement (CAO)? You can contact with number of organisations (also in Polish), such as:
- Foundation for Compliance with the CLA (SNCU), phone: +31 (0)85 210 40 80.
- FairWork foundation, phone: +31 (0)20 760 08 09 or via WhatsApp +31 (0)6 51 77 12 49.
- You can also get help from the union, the FNV union (+31 (0)88 368 0 368) or the CNV union (+31 (0)30 751 10 01)). Although the membership is not free of charge, you can always become a member. This will entitle you to advice and legal assistance if you have a conflict with your employer.
- Are you encountering discrimination in the workplace? Discrimination in the workplace is a violation of human rights. In this situation, you can:
- Report it to the police.
- Receive advice and support from an anti-discrimination agency.
- Lodge a complaint to the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights. This institute will decide on the matter. You will probably need a lawyer to lodge this complaint.
- Are you experiencing sexual harassment or other inappropriate behaviour at work? You can report this to the Netherlands Labour Authority or to the FairWork foundation.
- Do you need some legal advice? The Juridisch Loket provides legal advice on work and income, but also about issues regarding housing free of charge. Please visit the Juridisch Loket website (in Dutch) for more information about how they can help. You can also contact the centre on 0900 8020 or send an email via their website. If you do not speak Dutch or English, please bring someone with you who speaks one of these languages.
2. Do you need consular help?
You can contact with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in The Hague:
- The Consular Information Centre provides information to general questions on consular matters: passports, loss of documents, Polish citizenship, civil status and other general legal matters. Telephone available on working days in Poland between 9:00 and 17:00 (+31 70 70 11 037);
- The Integrated Duty Helpline: contact in emergency situations (accidents, deaths, arrests) requiring urgent consular intervention, phone: +31 70 70 11 036. Note: telephone is available on working days from 17:00-09:00, on public holidays in Poland and the Netherlands 24 hours a day.
3. Do you have complaints about the policy of the Dutch government or your experiences with Dutch authorities?
Have you not received proper help? In that case you can complain to:
- The National Ombudsman, who can independently investigate your complaint about the government. If you have filed a complaint with a government body and you are unable to reach a solution, you can submit a complaint against this body to the National Ombudsman. You can contact this organisation (in Dutch and English) on 0800 3355555.
- SOLVIT – if your case is regarding cross-border problems with a government body in the Netherlands concerning EU rights. You can contact the SOLVIT network in your own country, in your own language, by using the online contact form.
4. Do you have questions about your rented home?
- If you have doubts regarding the cost of the rent it is useful to compare the amounts at huurcommissie.nl. If you have a lease you can also contact the government authorities (phone: 1400 within the Netherlands or +31 (0) 774656767 from abroad).
- In order to receive a legal advice, please contact with contact the Juridisch Loket. This applies if you consider your home unsafe, if you live with a lot of people in one room or one house, or if you have a conflict with your landlord (phone: 0900 80 20).
- If your property has a special quality mark, namely the SNF quality mark, you can contact the foundation Stichting Normering Flexwonen (SNF) by calling +31 (0) 135944109.
5. What things can be arranged at a local municipality?
The municipality can help you with numerous matters. They can help you with your registration in the Netherlands national database, registering the birth of your child, your driving licence or your housing. They can also help you if you have any complaints about your housing. Other services range from helping you learn Dutch or helping if you have accumulated some debt (the municipality can provide debt assistance). Please contact your municipality by phone or online.
6. Do you have questions regarding taxes?
If you have questions about your taxes, you can contact with the Dutch tax authority, Belastingdienst. On its website you will find the relevant forms for your accounts. You can also read information (in Dutch and English) about, for instance, taxes, the income certificate or social benefits granted by this office.
Tax information line for non-resident tax issues:
- Calling from the Netherlands: (055) 5 385 385
- Calling from abroad +31 555 385 385
Monday up to and including Thursday: 8.00 – 20.00 hours.
Friday: 8.00 – 17.00 hours.
7. Do you have questions about social benefits?
If you have questions regarding social benefits, please contact with the relevant institution:
- SVB (Sociale Verzekeringsbank) – this institution is responsible for granting the basic state pension (AOW), child benefit (kinderbijslag) or the survivor benefit (Anw). Please visit the SVB website (available also in Polish).
- UWV (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen) – this institution is responsible for granting the sickness benefit (Ziektewet-uitkering), the invalidity benefit (WIA-uitkering), the pregnancy and maternity benefit (WAZO benefit) or the unemployment benefit (WW – uitkering). UWV provides also support in reintegration at the labour market. Please visit the UWV website (available also in Polish).
- Toeslagen – this institution is responsible for granting income-related benefits, such as the healthcare benefit (zorgtoeslag), the rent benefit (huurtoeslag) and the supplementary child benefit (kindgebonden budget). Please visit the Toeslagen website (available in Dutch and English).
- Municipality (gemeente) – the municipality can offer you different type of support. For instance, if you have accumulated some debt, the municipality can provide debt assistance. If you have a little or no income, you can apply to the municipality for social assistance benefit (bijstandsuitkering). Contact with your municipality.
8. Are you already in the Netherlands and need some information or help?
You can visit one of the information points (free of charge). The contact details are available here.
9. Other problem?
If you have not found the answer to your question, please double check the information at workinnl.nl